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Schools in Bay of Plenty
173 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘Schools’ in their name?
956 Old Coach Road, Te Puke
Iles Road, Lynmore, Rotorua
Wellington Street, Opotiki, Opotiki
22 Tui Street, Omanu, Tauranga
2481 Galatea Road, Waiohau, Whakatane
362 Malfroy Road, Rotorua, Rotorua
Kea Street, Rotorua, Rotorua
State Special School meeting the educational needs of students who have intellectual disabilities.
Delegated manager of ORRS funding for students on roll who are verified.
Base school with three satellite classes sited...
View full details for Kea St Specialist School
View full details for Kea St Specialist School
Miro Drive, Murupara, Whakatane