Reviews can help your business
What's all this about reviews on my business?
We all know that “word of mouth” advertising is the best form of advertising. Sites like combine traditional directory advertising with modern web of UGC (user generated content) – or word of mouth advertising.
You’ve probably got them, most businesses do – a favourite client who tells everyone how wonderful you are. finda allows these avid fans of your business to share their experience with the world … well, with other kiwis anyway.
The experiences of other people often guide potential customers, reviews are a great way to foster this and encourage people to “convert” from browsers to customers.
Will reviews really help my business?
The internet is an engaging place, people want to share their experiences. By having your customers share their experiences on finda, potential customers are encouraged to do business with you.
Reviews are great for business. You’ve heard the old story, “When in a new area looking for a place to eat – go to the one with lots of people eating there”, you know it’s safe, so you’ll go there. Reviews are like that for your business.
What if someone (or a competitor) says something nasty?
Visitors to finda are free to write anything they like about any business. However every single review goes through moderation and that means that every single review is read by a person – yes a real live person.
Any review that contains a less than stellar experience, will result in finda sending it to you – we encourage you to take a moment and write a response. We’ll then publish both to the site – presenting both sides of the story.
If we deem the review to be slanderous or defamatory, we’ll let you know about the review, and we do reserve the right NOT to publish the review.
Can I respond to a review?
Absolutely and we encourage you to! If you are logged into finda, under each review you’ll see an Advertiser Tool Bar – there is a button allowing you to respond to any review from right there on your listing.
If you are logged into your finda self service portal (the same place you update your business details) you can see all the reviews on your business, and you can respond there.
How long do reviews stay on finda?
finda has two “states” for reviews. Live and archived. A live review is one that is current and will show in the stream of your reviews on your listing. Once a review reaches “age” (that is 12 months for most reviews) we’ll move it into an archive – it’s still a valid review, it’s just aged and not as relevant as a review from today.
I bought a business, the reviews on it don’t apply to me – what can I do?
Congratulations on your purchase. Because the reviews of the business may now be less relevant given your new ownership – we can move them into the archive for you. Just let us know and we’ll be happy to talk through this with you.
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