Review process
What happens once I submit my review?
Once you have written your review it is placed into a moderation queue. We manually check all reviews to make sure they meet our review guidelines. If the review is fine it will appear on the business listing within 24hours. If the review requires your attention it will be placed in the declined queue and an email will be sent to you. You can either login to finda and update the review & resubmit it, or do nothing and it will be deleted after 7 days.
Can I update or withdraw my review?
Because all our reviewers have to login, they now have full control over reviews they have written at anytime. Simply log into finda and head to your reviews You will notice reviews are now grouped by status. To edit or withdraw a review, find the review in your active reviews and under each review are the control buttons.
What if I spot a review by someone else that is inappropriate?
Each review on finda has a button under it allowing you to report the review to us. We will look into the review and take the appropriate action.
What happens if the review I wrote is deemed inappropriate?
The team at finda take all reports of spam or inappropriate reviews seriously. We will investigate and have been known to call all parties involved to find out the truth. If you have serious allegations against a business, a review on finda is not the place to air this. Talk to the business or police if your allegation is of a legal nature.
What are these links under a review?
We have placed 3 links under each review; Useful (0) Funny (0) Not Useful (0). These are an indication of how people found this review. To vote for a funny review, simply click the Funny link & the count will increase. These are a fun way to rate reviews and indicate how many other people thought the same thing
Why must I be logged in to review?
By logging in we know that you are willing to put your name against the review. You now have full control of your reviews at any time. You can login and update, tweak or check on the review status 24/7. We think that's a great tool for you to track your reviews.
There is also a legal requirement for finda to be accountable for all content posted to the website.
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