What are coupons
Adding value to your business listing
What are digital coupons and why should I add them to my listing?
Digital coupons are online versions of normal coupons. A visitor to your business listing can print the coupon and bring it into your store to receive a discount.
finda.co.nz gives you full control over your coupon and adding one is a very easy process. In fact as you start to type the information into the coupon creation form, you get a real time preview of how your coupon will look.
You control what your coupon says, "2 for 1", or "5% off with spends over $50". However you want to word it, you can.
Why should I add a coupon?
Coupons are a fantastic way to drive foot traffic to your business. Lets face it, everyone is after a bargin. Adding a coupon to your business listings gives people a reason to interact directly with your business. Turn visitors into customers.
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