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Churches in Wellington
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Unit 18 Bishops Sneddoen Village
5-11 Kapanui Road, Waikanae, Kapiti Coast
5-11 Kapanui Road, Waikanae, Kapiti Coast
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(04) 905 5568
120 Johnsonville Rd, Johnsonville, Wellington
25 Mana Avenue, Titahi Bay, Porirua
Ground level,
246 Thorndon Quay, Thorndon, Pipitea
246 Thorndon Quay, Thorndon, Pipitea
Celebration Church, 246 Thorndon Quay. Breakthrough Worship, Revelation Word, Prophetic & Apostolic, Teaching purpose & destiny from the Word. Children, Youth/Young People,Adults, families. Contemporary & Relevant we desire...
View full details for Celebration
View full details for Celebration