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Churches in Auckland City
341 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘Churches’ in their name?
12 - 18 Princes Street, Onehunga, Auckland
Our vision of the Sansthan is to make people become aware of Shri Shirdi SaiBaba, his life and his teachings so that devotees and their family can mould their activities to attain satisfaction.
View full details for Shri Shirdi Saibaba Mandir
View full details for Shri Shirdi Saibaba Mandir
418 Mount Albert Road, Mount Roskill, Auckland
35 Uxbridge Road, Howick, Manukau
A conservative Pentecostal Church that is committed to following God's Word.
meeting times
Sunday: 1.00pm
Wednesday: 7.30 pm (house meeting)
View full details for Revival Centres International Auckland
View full details for Revival Centres International Auckland