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Cafes in Orewa
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Servicing Orewa

Altura is Spanish for height and since only the best coffee is grown at high altitude, we at Altura select only these highest quality beans for your enjoyment.
More about Altura Cafe | Coffee
More about Altura Cafe | Coffee
570 Grand Drive, The Grange, Orewa
340 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Orewa, Rodney
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(09) 421 1156
350 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Orewa, Rodney
226 Hibiscus Coast Highway, Orewa, Rodney
Orewa Beach is the gateway to the Hibiscus Coast and north Auckland(TM)s vast regional places. Plantation Cafe is located opposite Orewa Beach and is the biggest Cafe in Orewa town. It seats 65 inside and 60 outside....
View full details for The Plantation Cafe
View full details for The Plantation Cafe
70e Grand Drive, Orewa, Rodney