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Cafes in Auckland City
606 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘Cafes’ in their name?
401 Mount Eden Road, Mount Eden, Auckland
256 Karangahape Road, Newton, Auckland
3 York Street, Newmarket, Auckland
(09) 531 4214
532 Te Atatau Road, Auckland City Centre
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(09) 8340 011
Pt Chevalier Arcade
1205 Great North Rd, Point Chevalier, Auckland
1205 Great North Rd, Point Chevalier, Auckland
Mud Pie DELI provides simply good food, great coffee and a friendly ambiance. We make a lot of our own foods and have a large display cabinet that is filled each day. Open from 6.30 every day (except public holidays), we...
View full details for Mud Pie DELI
View full details for Mud Pie DELI
Les Mills Building
186 Victoria Street West, Auckland City
186 Victoria Street West, Auckland City