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40/203 Kirkbride Road, Mangere, Manukau
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Sandringham Community Centre
18-20 Kitchener Road, Sandringham, Auckland
18-20 Kitchener Road, Sandringham, Auckland
First Yoga Class FREE Voucher
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga FIRST TIME BEGINNERS come on a Sunday morning to Sandringham Community Centre 8.15 am for a FREE 1hr class.
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Varies locations. Auckland, Pukekohe & Franklin
Free Introductory Lessons
Come and try Kuk Sool Won before you decide about joining. The lessons will include the basics and will get you ready for a beginners class....
Level 1,
74 France Street South, Newton, Auckland
74 France Street South, Newton, Auckland
Have you ever had your cleaners let you down or do a poor cleaning job?
Jet Cleaning Guarantees Full Service, First Class.
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187 Brightside Road, Stanmore Bay, Rodney
Get us to paint one room or more between June and August and we will paint your ceiling in that room for FREE
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7 Percival Gull Place, Auckland Airport
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94 Mount Smart Road, Onehunga, Auckland
With every facial booking get Microdermabration for half price....
56 Hayton Road, Wigram Park, Christchurch
Showerwell Home Products
Looking to renovate your bathroom?
Whether you are simply upgrading your show door or you need a full bathroom upgrade, we have the produ...