9th April 2010 While residing at The Sebel Trinity Wharf Tauranga, I encountered some splendid scenery and service during the day.However, the night staff were totally out of order and disrespectful.After returning from a night out we used the underground car park then surfaced to the first floor to show our guests the view of the pool. A guest asked to use the toilet which seemed fine as we use these facility's during the day for pool use. We were then approached by the rude attendants of the hotel; the night manager and his assistant. They said we were not able to use this access or toilets as its for guests only at all, which I was unaware of and acknowledged our mistake. After the two large men marched my female guest down the hall to the elevator I waited for my guest using the toilet to finish, in which they were staring at us still.We then headed for the residential lobby in which they ran down the hall to chase us.As we called the elevator they burst through the door. "Did you know cameras are watching you" when he said this I disagreed with him and asked what he was implying and at this time his inferior took control and abruptly ended the confrontation. We then came down a few minutes later to make a complain at front desk in which we were presented with callousness and disrespect.This is the second time in which this event has happened.My mother who resides here as well was rudely intimidated by the same night manager to ask for her I.D which he photocopied and then had her escorted by a hotel employee to her room.I understand that we do reside here as residents, and that different rules apply here for residents and guest's.We are told to use guest entrances at our discretion (during quiet periods infrequently) which we have followed.As one of the leading hotels in Tauranga, New Zealand this is despicable service especially when they claim ''you don't pay for us" when we do pay body corp fees. However we have encountered fantastic service and manners from the day staff which have helped us enjoy our stay.They interact with us in a positive manner which has been let down by the night staff.
While residing at The Sebel Trinity Wharf Tauranga, I encountered some splendid scenery and service during the day.However, the night staff were totally out of order and disrespectful.After returning from a night out we used the underground car park then surfaced to the first floor to show our guests the view of the pool. A guest asked to use the toilet which seemed fine as we use these facility's during the day for pool use. We were then approached by the rude attendants of the hotel; the night manager and his assistant. They said we were not able to use this access or toilets as its for guests only at all, which I was unaware of and acknowledged our mistake. After the two large men marched my female guest down the hall to the elevator I waited for my guest using the toilet to finish, in which they were staring at us still.We then headed for the residential lobby in which they ran down the hall to chase us.As we called the elevator they burst through the door. "Did you know cameras are watching you" when he said this I disagreed with him and asked what he was implying and at this time his inferior took control and abruptly ended the confrontation. We then came down a few minutes later to make a complain at front desk in which we were presented with callousness and disrespect.This is the second time in which this event has happened.My mother who resides here as well was rudely intimidated by the same night manager to ask for her I.D which he photocopied and then had her escorted by a hotel employee to her room.I understand that we do reside here as residents, and that different rules apply here for residents and guest's.We are told to use guest entrances at our discretion (during quiet periods infrequently) which we have followed.As one of the leading hotels in Tauranga, New Zealand this is despicable service especially when they claim ''you don't pay for us" when we do pay body corp fees. However we have encountered fantastic service and manners from the day staff which have helped us enjoy our stay.They interact with us in a positive manner which has been let down by the night staff.