Local Locksmiths | Auckland Locksmith
See map below for areas this business services
Qualified master locksmiths and members of the New Zealand Locksmith Association. We provide locksmith services Auckland wide and a 24 hour EMERGENCY service. Our Locksmiths are on call to help.
(09) 536 5050
(09) 536 5050
(021) 156 7370
(021) 156 7370
Toll free
0508 562576
0508 562576


Review Local Locksmiths | Auckland Locksmith


Over 4 years of being a rental manager in the local area, I could not fault Local Locksmiths professionalism and trustworthyness. As a rental manager it is important to have prompt and reliable service as you have lots of unexpected events that you cannot plan for, and I found that Tony went out of his way to make sure that I had happy tenants. I would highly recommend Local Locksmiths
Sincerely Dale Whitcombe