25th August 2017 friendly staff, friendly environment, and friendly locals.
Nice food, good prices.
Entertainment nights are great, lots of dance space to bogie on down.
Easy parking if needed.
Nice to sit outside in the sunshine during Summer, highly recommended.
25th August 2017 friendly staff, friendly environment, and friendly locals.
Nice food, good prices.
Entertainment nights are great, lots of dance space to bogie on down.
Easy parking if needed.
Nice to sit outside in the sunshine during Summer, highly recommended.
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23rd August 2009 Hi there;
Korner Bar is a great place to go... I highly recommend this place to go for a few quiet drinks etc.....
The staff and the management are great :)
friendly staff, friendly environment, and friendly locals.
Nice food, good prices.
Entertainment nights are great, lots of dance space to bogie on down.
Easy parking if needed.
Nice to sit outside in the sunshine during Summer, highly recommended.