Robin Loader Leather Goods

66 Norrie Street, Redwood, Christchurch City, Canterbury, 8051
Postal address
66 Norrie Street, Redwood, Christchurch City, Canterbury, 8051
Postal address
Formally known as Longhorn Leather Goods located at 601a Colombo St, damaged in the September EQ, relocated to 597a Colombo which was destroyed in the February EQ. Now operating from home.
 based on 5 review(s)
Telephone (03) 352 4963

* * * * *
11th June 2015
I have 2 or 3 items made by this wonderful craftsman - a belt and 2 handbags. I got these when I was a student (well into last century!) and they are still treasured items. My handbags are still so beautiful and now full of character which only comes from being used constantly for 30 years. I have never felt the need to buy any other handbags... quite unusual for a girl! They are often admired by complete strangers. It is wonderful that this business has begun again and I was delighted to have one of my handbags restored by them recently. I would recommend this company wholeheartedly for good old=fashioned craftsmanship and a lovely eye for design.
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Contact  Robin Loader Leather Goods
Telephone (03) 352 4963