For a Thai Yoga Massage at our rooms in Papakura or in the comfort of your own home.
What is Thai Yoga Massage?
Thai Yoga massage combines acupressure, reflexology and applied yoga stretches. The practitioner uses feet, elbows, palms thumbs and knees to apply pressure. The sequences of stretching and acupressure work are given in a smooth and harmonious way, with each move dissolving into the next.
With the client comfortably clothed the massage is carried out on a mat on the floor.
Tuition in Thai Yoga massage.
Five and Ten day courses in this amazing massage therapy.
Books on Thai Yoga Massage by Asokananda also available on line.
Comming soon! Chavutti Thirummal Ayuvedic Massage.
A real experience. Be massaged from head to foot in one continuous movement. Check website for further details.
All courses and Sunshine Network New Zealand recognised by the Thai Yoga Massage Association of New Zealand, NZ Charter of Health Practitioners Inc and the Sunshine Network International