7th August 2013 The service was good and courteous.
I do have a general question though. Have big mac's become smaller than they used to be. I had one last night and it hardly touched the sides (not good value for money), and I am sure that in the past they were bigger.
Is this just a nostalgic recollection or have they really shrunk.
7th August 2013 The service was good and courteous.
I do have a general question though. Have big mac's become smaller than they used to be. I had one last night and it hardly touched the sides (not good value for money), and I am sure that in the past they were bigger.
Is this just a nostalgic recollection or have they really shrunk.
The service was good and courteous.
I do have a general question though. Have big mac's become smaller than they used to be. I had one last night and it hardly touched the sides (not good value for money), and I am sure that in the past they were bigger.
Is this just a nostalgic recollection or have they really shrunk.