Online Holistic Intuitive Counselling for Body, Mind and Soul
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Improve your life - Talk to us if you suffer from stress-related issues or feel anxious, miserable or lost.
Many diseases originate in the spirit or mind, such as arthritis which can result from the bitterness and resentment of feeling unloved, or lower back problems from worries about financial concerns, or near sightedness from a fear of the future, or heart problems from long-standing emotional issues,lack of joy and even a broken heart.
Often, emotional and/or mental damage is not healed, and this pain festers and can manifest as a physical problem. Some see this as the spirit bringing this unresolved pain to the attention of the person, so that it may be healed.
Treating the body with massage, drugs or natural therapies certainly brings relief to the body, but if the spirit and/or mind bodies are not treated as well then the symptoms may reappear whenever a trigger event causes the unresolved emotional pain to manifest once again as a physical problem.
Therefore I believe it is necessary to approach
problems on all levels, body, mind and spirit, so that all scars are healed, in order to prevent
Online Counselling
Email Counselling
Person-centred Counselling
Holistic Counselling
Intuitive Counselling