A1 Washing Machine Servicing Limited

46A Paice Avenue, Sandringham, Auckland City, Auckland
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When your Fisher & Paykel Top loading washing machine breaks down, you don't want to muck around waiting for the repair company to show up because they need parts to arrive. You won't be waiting aroun
 based on 6 review(s)
Telephone (09) 948 1319

* * * * *
29th June 2010
Great service, came to our house on the Shore to replace a burnt out pump and had all the parts needed with him. Problem was fixed in less than an hour! He also had a mobile eftpos machine too which was pretty cool. Didn't break the bank and he charged part hours AND offers a year warranty on the pump. I wouldn't suggest anyone else if your F&P machine needs help.
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Contact  A1 Washing Machine Servicing Limited
Telephone (09) 948 1319