Cooreea is a transport matching / rideshare service. Our peer to peer engine brings together people going on journeys with people wanting to get a ride, send or transport things.
Whether you would like to save travel costs and share your trip with others, get a lift somewhere or have something picked up or transported somewhere - it's fast, easy and free to join and list your needs and find people going your way.
Our users transport anything! Difficult shaped odd freight - like surfboards, bicycles, heavy objects bought on TradeMe or breakable things you don't want to ship by post - a speciality. Just try it!
We are an internet based peer to peer transport company. Helping you find the cheapest and most fun way to travel and send your things New Zealand wide.
Online Hitchhiking
Odd Freight
Business Hours
Open 24 hours a day
It's a fantastic idea to utilise transport more economically and environmentally conscious. Too many people drive alone in a car every day. I've been looking for a site like that since travelling in Europe where they have similar things - good work Cooreea! It's a small team of enthusiastic people, which is exactly the kind of thing we need to move the world forward.
If you have doubts - sign up for free and just try it for something small or a trip into town and you'll see how easy it is and how much fun it can be to share transport. I've done it plenty of times in the past and now that there's a site that makes it more secure in NZ I'll also use it at home.