August Autos - Used Light Commercial Dealers
186 Great South Road, Takanini, Papakura, Auckland
Physical address
Calling all contractors, builders, electricians, plumbers, farmers, taxi services, mobility vehicle owners, trade persons and couriers!
(09) 299 9182
(09) 299 9182
(09) 299 9638
(09) 299 9638
(021) 922 660
(021) 922 660


Review August Autos - Used Light Commercial Dealers


We broker finance for cars, vans and UTEs.
We work with trades people and courier operators helping them with vehicle finance.
We usually refer our clients to see vehicles at a few dealerships - both for new as well as used cars.
I must say that the service provided by August Autos and their team has been exceptional. Right from the initial reception, matching a vehicle to your requirement, arranging any fit-outs and their simple and straight forward manner of dealing with their clients has been well appreciated.
We strongly recommend that if you are looking for a quality used van/UTE do visit August Autos.
We found that just calling Bill the Business Owner or Jay the Sales Manager is usually a good starting point.
They also have great coffee!!