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Horse Treks in New Zealand
67 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘Horse Treks’ in their name?
241 Riversleigh Road, Coalgate, Selwyn
Come and enjoy a horsetrek through the peaceful atmosphere of the Canterbury foothills! We are located in Glentunnel, 2kms from the man Highway, 35 min. from Christchurch. We operate throughout the whole year.
Treks are...
View full details for Mills Lodge Horsetreks
View full details for Mills Lodge Horsetreks
Woodhill Forest
Restall Road, Woodhill
Restall Road, Woodhill
Woodhill Forest Equestrian Park
Woodhill Equestrian Park is a fantastic place to ride, the sand base offering all year round riding; you can ride for hours in the specially marked tracks or head on down to the beautiful...
View full details for YMCA Woodhill Forest Equestrian Park
View full details for YMCA Woodhill Forest Equestrian Park