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Precious Metals in New Zealand

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We are a supplier of silver and gold bullion for the New Zealand market. Our goal is to enable a means for the smaller investor to find and purchase silver and gold bullion easily. We Stock a variety of bullion coin product...
View full details for NZSilver

For unique and practical custom-made jewellery, handcrafted with creative flair, look no further than the Cambridge Collection. The range of jewellery including rings, pendants, chains and unique equestrian jewellery, custom-made...
View full details for Geoff Taylor (Goldsmith)
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Level 5, Moran Building
8 The Octagon, Central Dunedin, Dunedin
Welcome to - our goal is to offer the best nzbullion price for bulk gold bullion and silver bullion, with efficient, courteous, 24 hour service. Buying gold or silver? We will sort you!
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