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Midwives in Waikato
51 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘Midwives’ in their name?
I care for women throughout pregnancy, birth and up to six weeks postpartum. Visits can be either at your home or at my clinic in Hamilton. I birth women at home and in the birth centres.
View full details for Karin Bettley Registered Midwife
View full details for Karin Bettley Registered Midwife
Midwifery Villa
139 Massey Street, Frankton, Hamilton
139 Massey Street, Frankton, Hamilton
All midwifery services provided from pregnancy confirmation right through until six weeks after the birth of your baby. Home birth, birth centre, water birth or hospital birth - your choice.
View full details for Jennie Knight Midwife
View full details for Jennie Knight Midwife