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Schools in Otago
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9 Passmore Crescent, Maori Hill, Dunedin
Ida Valley-Omakau Road, RD 2, Oturehua
2 Shore Street, Andersons Bay, Dunedin
A fast growing co-educational school with a roll of 800 students. It specialises in music, drama and art. It is a top performing academic school providing a holistic educational experience. A full range of sports programmes...
View full details for Bayfield High School
View full details for Bayfield High School
25 Beetham Street, Queenstown Town Centre
44 York Place, Dunedin Central, Dunedin
248 North Road, North East Valley, Dunedin
29 St Leonards Drive, Saint Leonards, Dunedin
3 Green Street, Mosgiel, Dunedin