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Wining & Dining in Wellington Central
325 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘Wining & Dining’ in their name?
153 Karori Road, Karori, Wellington
(04) 476 4071
32 The Terrace, Wellington Central, Wellington
(04) 473 2432
Jim Bom
1 Willis Street, Wellington Central, Wellington
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(04) 499 9300
6 Swan Lane, Te Aro, Wellington
The Mezzanine,
Wellington City Library, Civic Square
Victoria Street, Wellington Central
Victoria Street, Wellington Central
A relaxed, friendly Cafe in Wellington's Civic Square. It has high chairs, childrens play area and great coffee too. Spend some time browsing the books at the library then grab a bite to eat.
View full details for Clark's City Library Cafe
View full details for Clark's City Library Cafe
1 Queens Wharf, Wellington, Wellington central
167 Cuba Street, Wellington Central, Wellington