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Cafes in New Plymouth
49 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘Cafes’ in their name?
Servicing New Plymouth
Altura is Spanish for height and since only the best coffee is grown at high altitude, we at Altura select only these highest quality beans for your enjoyment.
More about Altura Cafe | Coffee
More about Altura Cafe | Coffee
White Hart Hotel
47 Queen Street, Central, New Plymouth
47 Queen Street, Central, New Plymouth
Welcome to West End Precinct - The Hart of the City. A vibrant community of businesses that call the West End of the New Plymouth CBD home.
View full details for West End Precinct
View full details for West End Precinct
138 Devon Street, New Plymouth City Centre
(06) 7588 247
36 Brougham Street, New Plymouth Central
(06) 759 8080
67 Devon Street West, New Plymouth City Centre...
(06) 759 2088