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Cafes in Matamata-Piako
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Servicing Matamata-Piako

Altura is Spanish for height and since only the best coffee is grown at high altitude, we at Altura select only these highest quality beans for your enjoyment.
More about Altura Cafe | Coffee
More about Altura Cafe | Coffee
Cnr Thames and Marshall Street, Morrinsville
Cafe Frock is the funkiest little cafe in the Waikato serving fresh, free-range, local produce 5 days a week.
View full details for Cafe Frock
View full details for Cafe Frock
1696 State Highway 27, Patetonga
3415 Sh 26, Tatuanui, Matamata-Piako
292 Thames Street, Morrinsville, Matamata-Piako
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(07) 8891 185
235 Thames Street, Morrinsville, Matamata-Piako