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Schools in Christchurch City
219 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘Schools’ in their name?
68 London Street, Richmond, Christchurch
221 Woodham Road, North Linwood, Christchurch
325 Sawyers Arms Road, Bishopdale, Christchurch
34 Springs Road, Wigram Park, Christchurch
Sandy Avenue, Avondale, Christchurch
35 Amyes Road, Hornby, Christchurch
2 Nash Road, Oaklands, Christchurch
62 Ferry Road, Christchurch City Centre
92 Greers Road, Burnside, Christchurch
Christ The King School offers a Catholic primary education for girls and boys from Year 1 to Year 8. Our aim is to treat every child as an individual and encourage them spiritually, academically, socially, physically and...
View full details for Christ The King School
View full details for Christ The King School