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Churches in Thames-Coromandel
29 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘Churches’ in their name?
Mackay Street, Thames, Thames-Coromandel
(07) 868 6266
303 Mary Street, Thames, Thames-Coromandel
Thames Baptist is a warm church of small - medium size in the evangelical tradition. We worship together on Sunday at 10.00 a.m. and have a variety of small group meetings throughout the week.
View full details for Thames Baptist Church & Community Ministries
View full details for Thames Baptist Church & Community Ministries
507 Mackay Street, Thames, Thames-Coromandel
(07) 868 9438
2183 Main Street, , Colville
111 Baillie Street, Thames, Thames-Coromandel
(07) 868 6169