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Architects in Wellington
117 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘Architects’ in their name?
6 Fyvie Avenue, Lindenvale, Porirua
Welcome to Casas Design+. As an architecture company our main goals are to transform our client's building ideas, dreams and expectations into concepts, and then develop the concepts into plans and images that can be constructed...
View full details for Casas Design Limited
View full details for Casas Design Limited
Shed 21
28 Waterloo Quay, Pipitea, Wellington
28 Waterloo Quay, Pipitea, Wellington
Amanda Bulman and Denis Chin are the directors of bbc architects, and have been practising together since 2001. They are registered with the NZ Institute of Architects and have a diverse team of architects and technicians...
View full details for Bbc Architects Ltd
View full details for Bbc Architects Ltd
Level 3,
The Dominion Building
78 Victoria Street, Wellington
78 Victoria Street, Wellington
Level 1,
187 Featherston Street, Wellington Central
187 Featherston Street, Wellington Central
Level 3,
PSA House
11 Aurora Terrace, Wellington Central
11 Aurora Terrace, Wellington Central