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Schools in Matamata-Piako
32 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘Schools’ in their name?
138 Studholme Street, Morrinsville
192 PO Box, Te Aroha, Matamata Piako
We are a music school that provides music tuitions such as voice,guitar, keyboard drums, piano& ukulele to local primary, intermediate and secondary schools within the Matamata-Piako district.
View full details for One Voice Productions NZ
View full details for One Voice Productions NZ
Wardville Road, Waharoa, Matamata-Piako
Smith Street, Matamata, Matamata-Piako
Kia ora and Welcome. Matamata Intermediate School's main aim is to help students develop the three Cs throughout their time at the school. Consideration, Common Sense, Courtesy. We have a strong & sporting history within...
View full details for Matamata Intermediate
View full details for Matamata Intermediate
779 Hutchinson Road, Kereone, Matamata-Piako
Lincoln Street, Morrinsville, Matamata-Piako
255 Bowler Road, Elstow, Matamata-Piako