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Wining & Dining in Hastings
190 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘Wining & Dining’ in their name?
115 King Street, Saint Leonards, Hastings
(06) 870 8539
Cnr King Street &
Corner of King Street & Eastbourne Street, Saint...
Corner of King Street & Eastbourne Street, Saint...
The Cru Bar is a Sports Based Bar which also has 18 gaming machines.
We play sport live on our big screens and have promotions running constantly including theme based partys at least once a month. Coming up promotions...
View full details for The Cru Bar
View full details for The Cru Bar
105 King Street, Saint Leonards, Hastings
(06) 878 4163
233 Heretaunga Street, Saint Leonards, Hastings
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(06) 870 6077
600 Frederick Street, Mahora, Hastings
(06) 8783 746