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Wining & Dining in Ohope
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Servicing Ohope

Altura is Spanish for height and since only the best coffee is grown at high altitude, we at Altura select only these highest quality beans for your enjoyment.
More about Altura Cafe | Coffee
More about Altura Cafe | Coffee
Pohutukawa Avenue, Ohope, Whakatane
19 Pohutukawa Avenue, Ohope, Whakatane District
311 Harbour Road, Ohope, Whakatane
Good food to go! including gourmet burgers & the best fish + chips at the beach. Ice-cream, fishing gear, bait, ice and groceries are available, as well as an indoor family games room - The Dungeon.
View full details for The Sandcastle
View full details for The Sandcastle
22 Pohutukawa Avenue, Ohope, Whakatane
(07) 312 4675