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Boarding Kennels & Catteries in New Zealand
377 matchesUnless you meant a company with ‘Boarding Kennels & Catteries’ in their name?
235 Brookby Road, Brookby, Manukau
A vet recommended luxury Pet Resort where your dog can socialise with our other guests and your cat can relax in the lounge while you are away.
View full details for Brookby Lodge
View full details for Brookby Lodge
751 Sh 1, Mangapai, Whangarei
We understand and know how important your pets are and you can rest assured that we will look after them as if they were our own.
More about Animotel - Kennel and Cattery
More about Animotel - Kennel and Cattery
103 Bethells Road, Waitakere, Henderson
We believe in your dogs mental as well as physical wellbeing, therefore we limit our guests to 12 so more time can be spent with each dog. Our kennels have recently been renovated and are insulated.
More about Te Amo Kennels
More about Te Amo Kennels
163 South Street, Feilding, Manawatu
Since 1974 Nampara Kennels and Cattery has been providing the perfect holiday destination for dogs and cats in the Manawatu district.
More about Nampara Kennels & Cattery
More about Nampara Kennels & Cattery
6399 State Highway, Horotiu, Waikato District
Heading South for the Summer holidays? Book your pet in today, spaces filling fast and book your cat in as well! At Longtail Pet Motel each pet is regarded as an individual and cared for accordingly.
More about Longtail Pet - Hamilton
More about Longtail Pet - Hamilton
44 Tinopai Road, Matakohe, Kaipara
Welcome to Matakohe and the home of Tom and Jenny. We met when Tom purchased a Cavalier pup off me so when we married, a year later, Tom gained thirteen dogs and I gained one!
I had been breeding Cavalier King Charles...
More about MG Boarding Kennels
More about MG Boarding Kennels
76 Marshland Road, Shirley, Christchurch
At Ethsome Cattery we provide your feline friend with individual loving care! Our superior accommodation, as well as, indoor and outdoor play areas will leave them feeling pampered and right at home!
More about Ethsome Cattery
More about Ethsome Cattery
Offering exceptional facilities and full time experienced care for your cats and wide range of other small animals.
More about Cats in Clover Boarding Cattery
More about Cats in Clover Boarding Cattery